Mississauga Pharmacy Blogs

Beginner’s Guide to Compression Socks

Beginner’s Guide to Compression Socks

We’re sure you have heard about compression socks before. But maybe you don’t quite understand what they do and why you might need a pair yourself. For many individuals out there, compression socks are a great solution to helping them get through their daily lives....

Can Compression Socks Be Too Tight?

Can Compression Socks Be Too Tight?

Compression socks can help keep your legs from getting tired or achy and will ease swelling in your feet and ankles. They are very effective and can also help prevent and treat spider and varicose veins, but many people complain about the tightness aspect and feel...

Easy Ways To Increase Your Daily Water Intake

Easy Ways To Increase Your Daily Water Intake

Water is an essential component of life. Our bodies are made up of over 70% water and help our bodies perform essential life functions. Water is a component in blood flow, joint health, digestion, temperature regulation, and so much more. The chances are, you are...