Categorized as a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID), aspirin was the first NSAID to be discovered and is the most widely used drug in the world to date. It can provide fever relief, pain relief without the use of anesthesia or causing a loss of consciousness. It also lowers inflammation when you take a higher dosage. There are non-steroids added, as they can cause some unwanted side effects. Continue reading to learn how a single aspirin can help you.
Having been used for decades, aspirin is the most common medicine to use for treating mild to moderate pain, fevers, period pains, sprains, arthritis and migraines. It can be used alone to deal with moderate pain, but if you’re experiencing severe pain, aspirin is often taken with other NSAIDs. Taking higher doses of aspirin can reduce symptoms of joint inflammation and fever while lower dosages can prevent blood clots from forming, strokes, colorectal cancer and heart attacks. For individuals who have high blood cholesterol, high blood pressure, diabetes or smoke will have to use a lower dosage, as they have an increased risk of experiencing a heart attack or stroke.
Aspirin isn’t typically recommended for people who experience peptic ulcers, bleeding disorders or are at risk of having gastrointestinal bleeding. If you’re allergic, drink alcohol regularly or are undergoing surgery, then you should avoid taking aspirin as well. Take aspirin with an err of caution and permission from your doctor if you have asthma, liver or kidney problems, are pregnant or uncontrolled hypertension.
Side Effects
Some of the most common side effects when taking aspirin include stomach or gut irritation, indigestion and nausea. More severe reactions, however less common, include more intense asthma symptoms, vomiting, stomach inflammation or bleeding, and bruising. One exceptionally rare side effect of taking a lower dose of aspirin is a hemorrhagic stroke.
Interactions with Other Drugs
When dealing with multiple medications, one drug can make others less effective or create a health risk for the individual. When aspirin interacts with other anti-inflammatory painkillers, it can increase your risk of stomach bleeding. Aspirin mixed with medicine used to treat cancer and autoimmune diseases can make it harder for the body to get rid of the medication, increasing its toxicity. There are many other medications that shouldn’t be mixed with aspirin, and your doctor or pharmacist will discuss that with you.
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